Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Karakalpak Folklaw - Alpamis

Karakalpak folklore is rich in epics. Epics such as "Alpamysh", "Qirq qiz", "Qoblan", "Mastposhsho" have been very important in the spiritual and cultural life of the Republic. Known to Kazakhs and Karakalpaks as "Alpamis". It is also recounted by a number of other Turkic peoples, as well as Tajiks. The tale of Alpamysh was supplanted in ninth-tenth centuries from Altay mountains to Syr-darya river by the Oghuz Turks, where the story line continued on independently and became part of the Salor-Kazan tale, one of the main characters in the Book of Dede Korkut. The epic acquired its final form between the fourteenth and seventeenth centuries.

Alpamish is one of the best known Turkic epics from among a total of well over 1,000 recorded epics among the Mongolian and Turkic language families by international scholars  was printed no less than 55 times between 1899 and 1984. It was published in the Soviet Union in 1939, 1941, and 1949, 1957, 1958 and 1961. The entry in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, second edition (1952), praises the epic as "a national saga of valour, courage and detestation of the enemies", "one of the best examples of Uzbek heroic epos", "rich in aphorisms, expressive metaphors and proof of the wealth of the Uzbek popular poetic language. In 1999, at the request of Uzbekistan's delegation to UNESCO the "Thousandth anniversary of the popular epic Alpamysh" was celebrated.  

Good References 1. Berdaq. Shejire. – Nókis: Qaraqalpaqtan, 1993. 2. Qaraqalpaq tiliniń tusindirme sózligi. 4 tomlıq. 1-tom. – Nókis: Qaraqalpqstan, 1982. 3. Qaraqalpaq folklori. Kóp tomliq. 1-8 tomlar. – Nókis: Qaraqalpq

Source: Wikipedia

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