Video 1. 'Zoroastrian monuments in Qoralqalpogiston. Ancient Khorezm sights' 8:43 (English)
Go to Zoroastrian Ruins
Karakalpakstan and Khorezm (north west of Uzbekistan) the core territory of ancient Khwarezm is believed to be the birthplace of the Zoroastrian religion and has the richest area of Zoroastrian settlements, fortresses and temples in the whole of Central Asia. These include the magnificent ruins of the Mizdakhan with its huge necropolis (4th c BC), the settlement site Gyaur-Kala (4th c BC - 4th c BC), the dakhma ‘tower of silence’ and ossuary burial site of Chilpyk-Kala (4th c. BC - 11th c. BC), the ancient settlement of Toprak-Kala (1st c - 4th c) and the burial and astral cult site of Koy-Krylgan-Kala (4th c BCE - 4th c BC).
Photo Credit: Mizdakhan :
Video 2. 'Monumentos Zoroastristas de Karakalpakstán. Curiosidades de Khorezm'. 8:28 (Spanish) Go to Monumentos Zoroastristas
En el oeste de Uzbekistán, en el antiguo Khorezm, se han conservado numerosos monumentos de la época del zoroastrismo - las ruinas de antiguos asentamientos y muros de fortalezas zoroastrianas, construidas de pahsa (arcilla). Los más grandes de ellos son: citania Mizdahkan (s.IV adC) y su gran necrópolis, fortaleza Gyaur Kala (s.IV adC -- s. IV dC), dakhma Chilpik Kala (s. IV adC -- s. XI dC). El lugar ceremonial de los zoroastristas de entierro en osarios, el antiguo asentamiento Toprak-Kala (ss. I-IV dC) y el monumento funerario y de culto astral del zoroastrismo -- Koy-Krylgan- Kala (s. IV adC -- s. IV dC).

Photo: Chilpyk Kala - Tower of Silence - Credit
See my blog entry Golden Ring of Ancient Khorezm for more details -
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